Sunday, September 17, 2017

SHALOM on a Typhoon Day, fifth Challah Cover, Getting to know You

Challah and Cherry Blossoms Diary

Today home on a typhoon day,  sewing the fifth challah cover.
The Hebrew letters on this Challah Cover say...
As I am sewing, it struck me how this year of studying the Torah has  been a year of getting to know our Creator, giver of the Torah. 

I was feeling happy and peaceful at the thought, and a song came to mind.  Not a Hebrew song, not exactly a worship song.  But rather a song from a musical.  Do you know this song?  It is called `Getting to Know You`.  It`s from... oh, I am laughing now after the fact to  realize what musical it is from...

it`s from `The King and I`!!!

Yes, reading God`s Torah is getting to know Him, getting to know more about Him.  Learning to Love Him, seeing the wonders he does and most of all,  the wonder of Who He Is!

getting to know you , getting to feel free and easy,, while I am with you, getting to know what you see! haven`t you noticed, suddenly I`m bright and breezy?!...
because of  all the beautiful and new things I`m learning about YOU day by day!!!   When I am with you, getting to know what you say...---words from the Rogers and Hammerstein song, Getting to Know you, from The King and I

In the Torah portion this past week, in Deuteronomy, we read  how the words in the Torah are not meant to be difficult or baffling, but rather that they are to be very close to us, in our mouth and in our heart, to do them.  (Deuteronomy 30:11 ~14).

The Torah brings peace to our heart.  Yeshua our Messiah and Savior is the Prince of Peace.
As we near the end of the Torah on this cycle, getting ready to scroll back to the beginning,  may your days be filled with His great Shalom.

Shalom means Peace (and other meanings as well) .  These are some scriptures that mention the word Shalom, peace.  Please share any of your favorites as well!

These things I have spoken to you, so that in Me you may have shalom.  In the world you will have trouble, but take heart! I have overcome the world!   --- Yeshua`s words from John 16:33 TLV

For thus says ADONAI:
Behold, I will extend peace to her like a river,
and the glory of the nations like an overflowing stream.    ---Isaiah 66:12

And the shalom of God, which surpasses all understanding , will guard your hearts and your minds in Messiah Yeshua.   ---Philippians 4:7

 ADONAI gives strength to His people.
ADONAI blesses His people with shalom.    ---Psalm 29:11

"Yes, you will go out with joy
and be led forth with peace.
The mountains and the hills
will break forth before you singing,
and all the trees of the field
will clap their hands!"

---Isaiah 55:12

Seek Shalom and pursue it!   --Psalm 34:15
Shalom be upon Israel !  ---Psalm 128: 6



  1. You are on your challa cover mission even on a typhoon day! God , the Creator, connects us to everything in life, even to a song from a secular musical like The King and I.

    I'm amazed by your knowledge of the Thora and the meanings of the word Shalom.

  2. Thank you for your insights Duta! I like how you said that, how God connects us to everything ! Yes!

    Also I like the expression you used, challah cover mission!
    I almost completed my goal in this year to make 5 challah covers, to correspond to one for each book of the Torah! So I have to get to work on completing this last one, and then what... hmm. start at the beginning !! Blessings and...Shalom!!
